
Marcello Iori

You still need to recognize your most profound potential. 
Those who write stories have a specific task: to give words meaning and create emotion. Considerable emotions. 
We have all been there, from first love to first failures to successes, and many other situations that have uplifted but often crushed us. 
No one loses, and no one wins in this life. Because we all lose and win simultaneously. 
Nowadays, the Internet has plenty of gurus telling you what to do, how to think, what to eat, and even where to go on vacation. 
All very nice, but not very meaningful. 
Literature has a secret. It has been keeping it for centuries. Its secret is to give value and meaning to the world, even when it seems to not have it, even when it seems as dark as a deep night. That’s why I talk about my experiences and the books I read. If they gave value to my days, whether when there was discouragement or when I was tired, they can significantly impact your life as well. 

profile picture

About Me

As I sit here reflecting on my childhood, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming surge of emotions. Growing up in Italy, close to Milan, was a unique experience that has left an indelible mark on my life. My childhood home may have stood out from the rest, but that never stopped me from connecting with my friends and community. Although I shared a room with my mother, brother, and stepfather, we made the most of it and created a unique and complex bond. There were times when I cherished our closeness and other times when I felt suffocated by it. However, one thing that always remained constant throughout my childhood was my admiration for the talented individuals around me. My playmates, in particular, stood out as destined for greatness. As I grew older, however, I realised it was up to me to find my own path in life. And that’s when I discovered my love for writing. Writing became my passion, my true calling in life. Sharing my experiences through my words was therapeutic for me and inspiring for others. Today, I am more motivated than ever to continue pursuing my dreams and encouraging others to do the same. Looking back on my childhood, I am grateful for the unique experiences and challenges that have shaped me into who I am today. And I am excited about what the future holds.

My belief

Writing for 

Since I was a teenager, I have found myself drawn to the art of writing. It is an insatiable instinct that drives me to convey my thoughts and ideas on paper, to express myself in a way that is uniquely my own. At the core of this instinct is a profound pain and an intense desire to communicate my emotions with others. This urge initially led me to start writing stories, scribbling them down on paper during class lessons, and eventually sharing them with those around me. Over time, my passion for writing has only grown stronger, and I have become increasingly dedicated to honing my craft and learning everything I can about storytelling. Today, I write for readers of all ages and backgrounds, seeking to connect with others and share my perspective on the world.

The Greatest Journey 

Writing is truly a remarkable act of courage. It requires one to delve deep into your innermost thoughts and feelings and bravely express what may be unspeakable to others. It is a powerful tool that allows us to give voice to the stories that have been simmering within us and share them with the world. Moreover, writing is a journey of self-discovery. It is a process that helps us become more conscious of our thoughts and emotions and gives us the strength to put them down on paper. In doing so, we not only reveal our innermost selves but also create a connection with our readers, inviting them to join us on a journey of discovery and understanding. Indeed, writing is a silent voice inside us that becomes conscious, urging us to put pen to paper and express our deepest desires, fears, and hopes. The voice of all the stories that have gone unexpressed from the stars beyond this universe. A powerful force that helps us to connect with something greater than ourselves, tapping into a universal consciousness that spans time and space. And so, when we write, we are not just telling our own stories but also surfing into the power of the sky. We are drawing on a wellspring of inspiration and creativity that flows from the universe, giving our writing the power to touch hearts, change minds, and transform the world. So let us be brave and courageous and write from the heart, knowing that our words have the force to change the world.

Critical thinking

Writing is a powerful tool that connects you with an infinite source of ideas and concepts that can inspire and enrich your life in countless ways. It is a profound and meaningful deed that holds unexplainable value, allowing you to express thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a way that transcends the limits of ordinary communication. In a world increasingly dominated by technology and automation, storytelling has become a rigid structure of selected characters and places, often leaving behind the true nature of telling stories: to render homage to life. By embracing the art of writing, you can tap into your creative potential and discover new insights and perspectives that can transform your life and the lives of others. So why take a moment to pick up a pen and let your imagination soar as you explore the vast and wondrous world of writing?

My Portfolio

What Readers Say

Crafted as a retelling of the myth of Eurydice and Orpheus, Iori’s ambitious psychological drama centers on love, death, and loss—and what it takes for the heart to heal.

Publishing Weekly

I liked the character of Francesco and the details of relationships and the close observations of interactions between couples.

Amanda Moira 

Why you really truly start to value things only after throwing them away or by loosing them forever? This was interesting book and some small remarks and details can only be found while reading second time or at least by reopening previous chapter and pages.
